Accessibility Statement

Poma commits
Poma commits to making its websites, intranets, extranets, software (including mobile applications and digital urban furniture) accessible in accordance with Article 47 of the French law no. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
We value inclusion and diversity, ensuring that our website: is accessible to all, including people with disabilities.
In our digital accessibility efforts, we are proud to collaborate with Accessiway.
We are firmly committed to a web for everyone and aspire, with a long-term and responsible vision, to fully meet regulatory requirements, particularly the RGAA 4.1.2.
To this end, Poma is implementing the following strategy and actions:
- Multi-Year Plan 2024-2027 (currently being drafted)
- Current Year Action Plan (currently being drafted)
Compliance Status
An audit is currently underway, hence the website is by default considered non-compliant with regulatory requirements. Consequently, no non-compliance and no exemptions are listed below.
Audit results
Audit in progress.
Details of the results:
- Number of compliant criteria: Audit in progress
- Number of non-compliant criteria: Audit in progress
- Number of non-applicable criteria: Audit in progress
Non-accessible Content
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:
Audit in progress
Exemptions for disproportionate burden:
Audit in progress
Content not subject to accessibility requirements:
Audit in progress
Establishment of This Accessibility Statement
This statement was established on 08/07/2024.
Technologies Used for Website Realization
- Javascript
Testing Environment
Operating Systems:
- Apple Mac Os X 13.4
- Microsoft Windows 11
- Apple Ios 16
- Google Android 13
Browsers and Software
Latest versions available on various operating systems:
- Google Chrome
- Windows Edge
- Safari
- Brave
- Adobe Acrobat Reader / Preview on Mac (for PDFs only)
Tools for Assessing Accessibility
- Mouse emulations, screen magnifiers, and on-screen keyboards from various systems.
- VoiceOver (Apple systems only)
- TalkBack (Android only)
- NVDA 2024 and Freedom Scientific Jaws 2022 (PC systems only)
- Tanaguru webext RGAA4
- RGAA Assistant
- Graphic evaluation tools present on various systems (colors, contrasts, subtitles, etc.)
Pages Verified for Compliance
Audit in progress
Feedback and Contact
If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the accessibility manager at Poma [Link to contact page:] to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.
If you encounter an accessibility fault that prevents you from accessing content or a feature of the site, and if you do not receive a satisfactory response after reporting it to us, you are entitled to send your grievances or a referral request to the Defender of Rights.
You have several options available:
- Write a message to the Defender of Rights (new window)
- Contact the Defender of Rights delegate in your region (new window)
Send a letter (free, do not affix a stamp):
Defender of Rights
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07